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  • Who can be a part of TradeP ?
    Everyone can be a part of TradeP, regardless of nationality or residence. The only condition is, you must be of mature age (at least 18 years old) to become an investor.
  • What is TradeP
    TradeP is a U.K based investment platform that serves 180+ countries, across 30+ currencies and commodities with frictionless foreign exchange and cross-border remittance for members around the world. Since 2014, We have powered more than US$4 billion in transactions. Also combines a platform model with payment connectivity to offer financial services to a global market. We empower innovation in financial services through a platform approach where app developers and fintech partners can leverage through licensed relationships with banks and financial services partners around the world. Built on a core of proprietary technologies and e-money apps, We embraces a future where people and businesses are automated.
  • Where can i find TradeP Plans?
    You can check all our investment plans on Home page & in your account on " Deposit" page.
  • How often can i check my account balance?
    You can access to your account information for 24 hours, seven days a week over the Internet.
  • What payment methods are accepted on TradeP ?
    TradeP accepts popular e-currencies such as, Bitcoin , Bnb , Litecoin , Ethereum , Usdt , Dogecoin and Visa/Master Card.
  • Can i have multiple deposits on my account?
    Yes, you can have as many deposits as you want.
  • How can i invest with TradeP ?
    To make a investment you must first become a member of TradeP. Once you are signed up, you can make your first deposit. All deposits must be made through the Members Area. You can login using the member username and password you receive when signup.
  • How do i create an account with TradeP?
    It's quite easy and convenient. Click on sign up, fill in the profile form and then press "click Submit ".Please remember to write down your password. To change account details contact the TradeP support re filling the profile form can lead to loss of account .
  • Can i open multiple accounts with TradeP ?
    No, you can't open several accounts in TradeP. Using the same computer and the same IP address. If You will Breaking this rule Your All Accounts Will be Suspend Permanently.
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